How to be Genuine in Writing Songs

This is an updated article originally published on VQS Studio
LA Music Review | Advice for music creators

Learn how to truly express yourself through music.

photo by Elizeu Dias

Feeling creative and eager to know where to start? How do you stand out and set yourself apart? Here are our:

5 Tips on how to be genuine in writing songs.

  1. Table of Contents
  2. 1. Who is Your Real Audience?
  3. 2. How Do You Bring Your Ideas to Life?
  4. 3. How Can Music Flow from Within?
  5. 4. How Do You Write Effective Lyrics?
  6. 5. How Can You Give Importance to Your Songs?

1.  Who is Your Real Audience?

Photo by Vishnu R Nair on

What is your great purpose?

I’m sure a lot of you came across this; when you write for others it’s easier somehow. I can agree, and you can do something about it. There are a lot of different approaches to combating perfectionism and/ or insecurities at certain moments.

What if you shifted your perspective?

2. How Do You Bring Your Ideas to Life?

Learn How Your Thoughts Can Affect Your Writing

Photo by murat esibatir on

I always say everything starts with a thought, a fantasy, an idea.

This could be many different things. For me it depends a little bit on what kind of song I’m writing -but sometimes I don’t know this yet- so it gets a little blurry here. Don’t be afraid though, because this is the beauty of writing! This is the creative part.

Think outside the box!

Sometimes it’s just one word that comes to mind, but that one word creates a whole world. Make a mind map and go play around with it! Or you have an amazing hook melody that pops in your head in bed at 3:30am that you just need to record quickly on your voice memo.

Or maybe, you have such strong feelings about, and you just need to get it off of your chest, write it all down! Because here is your dose of inspiration given to you on a silver platter.

3. How Can Music Flow from Within?

KIA photo by Lydia Mutschmann

How do you find the real spark?

Sometimes words, melodies or chords come to us, and it seems like out of the blue. That’s the moment to let your music flow and write itself.

Most of the time we don’t even realize when we’re in a flow. It is when time passes by and all of the sudden you realize the song is done. Now that’s powerful!

4. How Do You Write Effective Lyrics?

Learn how to put flavor to your songs

Photo by Zen Chung on

Metaphors vs. Conversation?

Metaphors are a wonderful and creative way to strongly say something, without actually saying it.

It symbolizes something other than “direct” conversational talk. But there’s a fine line when using metaphors.

Try this: Use conversational talk in your songs. People tend to be more attentive and connected when they feel they are in a conversation. So make sure to find the right balance in your songs.

5. How Can You Give Importance to Your Songs?

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Learn why you should have a positive attitude in song-writing.

Own it! – During my Conservatory period there were a lot of misconceptions about writing such as: if you’re a singer, you need to write all your own stuff. Hey, it’s absolutely cool if you can and choose to do so, but if you look back in history, this wasn’t a thing. There were actually two separate jobs: the songwriter and the singer. So never get discouraged by stubborn, inexperienced musicians saying something like this.

I have written songs by myself, but I truly prefer to work with different writers and get their creative input on it. Different producers create different productions with new, fresh sounds.

The importance of it all is to own your songs.

And by “owning it” I mean being confident in the end phase of the piece of art you’ve just created hopefully for the rest of the world to hear.

How will you use these ideas in your songwriting? We’d love to hear from you.


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