Robin Shaw prepares us for battle with “Fight or Flight”

LA Music Review | Art, stories and advice

Crazy energy and the music production is totally on fire!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Hi Robin, welcome to LA Music Review! Tell us a little bit about you and your music.

I am from South Norfolk, east of the UK and lives in a village called Bressingham.

I have always had a passion for songwriting and word play with my music ranging from hip hop to indie-pop. I am self-taught in the music industry from dancing to writing with no musical background and have thrived on learning all aspects.

Fight or Flight’ is my most recent success which features the chart topping rapper Ironik.

Both TV/Radio interviews from stations both locally and abroad have built my music up. Ranging from local town radio to BBC Introducing, Watford VIBE FM, London One Radio as well as reaching Global stations in Barcelona, Helsinki, Milan and Los Angeles to name a few.

My story has been featured in magazines in Mexico, which then followed him being featured in New Jersey’s November 2018 and 2021 issue ‘WeAreJerseyMagazine‘ in the US.

Start streaming “Fight or Flight” right here:

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Congrats on the release! What was your inspiration when you were writing this project?

The song is all about adversity aspects and overcoming some fight or flight situations.

Released on April 25, 2020. ‘Fight or Flight’ was originally recorded in London in Soho. It took 4 hours to do and wanted the song to be fiery, quick and adrenaline themed, hence the title ‘Fight or Flight’.

I then got in contact with the rapper DJ Ironik who then put his own verse to my original song and then had a second version of the song which featured his verse.

Ironik’s version has elevated and brought the song to life even more. It’s really helped my musical development and career.

What is your vision for this song?

The one key message to this song is inspiration and motivation.

I guess however an audience interprets my music is down to personal choice but motivation and a determination to overcome obstacles is a key underlying message in the song.

What is your favorite part of this body of work?

My favourite part is the chorus and the line ‘fight or flight through the night’.

I find the energy particular exciting in this and the energy of the chorus is exactly how I wanted it to be.

Anything else we should know about it? Future releases? 

I have a future song called ‘Today’s Generation’ which is to be released on the 11th April. I also have a new song in the summer called ‘Shuffle Your Feet’ which will be out in the summer as well as a song called ‘Jack The Lad’.

Having signed my first contract as well is in this industry, I feel very excited for this year and the opportunities ahead, I just need to stay focused and keep working hard. I want to throw everything into this year.

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