Edgar Everyone finds solitude with “Suddenly You Move”

LA Music Review | Art, stories and advice

Fresh, groovy and totally relatable!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Hi Edgar, welcome to LA Music Review! Tell us a little bit about you and your music.

Edgar Everyone has built up several prominent bands from Low Hum to Kunzite, but this single represents how important it is to make art he has more creative control over. It brings the artist creative joy.

With Edgar, I get to this space where I can explore fully who I am as an artist, with no agenda or preconceived notion. It’s very freeing. And also the name resonates with that – because Edgar is Everyone in a way.

Congrats on the release! What was your inspiration when you were writing this project?

Released on October 14, 2022. In the creation of this particular track, Jules was inspired by the mountains of California, where he retreated to escape the chaos of city life. “Suddenly You Move” was created out of that Winter retreat. Edgar Everyone admits that it was a significant challenge, and he wrote the song to cope with the solitude. He ended up getting a lot out of the experience: “I allowed me to face my own loneliness, the deepest parts of myself, and also my own shadows.”

Start streaming “Suddenly You Move” right here:

Rating: 5 out of 5.

What is your vision for this project?

Not only is the inspiration behind this track unique in its own way, the composition of the track sets it apart from most mainstream music being released this year. Jules shared that with “Suddenly You Move.”

He “wanted to design a track that would have two very distinct parts,” those being a semi-chaotic and clouded verse to illustrate a sort of “mental maze” he finds himself in, accompanied by a transcendent chorus that brings immediate relief to the disarray conveyed prior.

While in the mountains, I was oscillating between moments of hard solitude, and extreme bliss with gaining clarity about my life’s path – it all made sense to translate it into a song.

What is your favorite part of this body of work?

Edgar’s favorite part of all of this is full creative autonomy after years building up other bands.

With this third solo single, he feels he’s found his footing as a solo artist: “I think all good music stems from a set of influences, but after a certain point the good musician learns to listen to their own “soul”, and share something that is very unique to them.

So it’s always a process of learning, to fill up your creative bag with new tricks, new encounters, inspiring ideas, but then trying to stay truthful to your deeper self. I was lucky to work with many projects in the last few years, they taught me a lot.

Anything else we should know about it? Future releases?

EP coming soon. His first video for “Shasta Lounge” is available on YouTube.

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